Marineview has always been a “sending” church, but we have a growing sense that God is calling us to participate more significantly in empowering and strengthening the church by helping to equip future leaders.

We want to provide mentorship and training for those who have been called to journey with our community long-term, as well as those who are with us for only a season, by helping train, bless, and send the next generation of people who will faithfully bring God’s message of restoration and reconciliation to our neighbourhood, this city, and the world.

One of the ways we are responding to this calling is through internships. In addition to offering a Regent College internship available to students in the MDiv. program, we are offering two one-year lay internships this year:

20 hrs / month - Starting Nov. 2023

  • Preach 8-10 times a year

  • Provide pastoral care visits

  • Build intentional relationships in the community through hospitality in various forms

20 hours / month - Starting Jan. 2024

  • Build relationships with the children and their families

  • Shepherd the children’s ministry volunteers

  • Support kids and youth to participate in whole church events

  • *Available as an intern position, or an associate pastor position (if candidate has pastoral experience)

Supporting the Calling

We invite you to join us in this exciting mission through:

Prayer - Pray that God will provide faithful, creative, humble people to fill these positions. Pray that their work would bear good fruit, and that many people would experience God’s love and healing through them.

Donations - Your financial gifts will make this internship program possible, and we are so grateful for your generosity. Donations can be made in a variety of ways:

  • E-transfer to (Put “Interns” in the note section.)

  • By credit card at CanadaHelps. (In the Fund dropdown menu, select “Church - Interns”.)

  • By cheque payable to Marineview Chapel, mailed to 4000 W. 41st Ave., Vancouver, BC, V6N 3G2. (Note “Interns” in the memo line.)